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LM Innovation structured water and the breeding of veal calves

Structured water has an effect on milk for feeding veal calves. Milk can mix at a temperature of 50 ° C with exceptional wetting and flocculant.

Mix the milk powder with structured water


The impact of structured water on the mixture of milk powders is very important, water structured by LM Innovation technology provides exceptional wetting and flocculant. To put it simply, structured water allows a higher quality mixture at a relatively low temperature.

Once mixed, the milk is much more digestible, the milk proteins are no longer destroyed by high temperatures. Often used today in calf breeding, the mixing temperatures are around 72 ° C for better milk fluidity. At this temperature the proteins contained in this mixture are almost nonexistent. We suggest that you mix your milk around 50 ° C in the mixer to reach the teats between 38 and 42 degrees Celsius.

The result is a very significant decrease in digestive and lung problems, significantly less diarrhea and lung problems at 21 days, better immune defenses with smooth and light hair.

Attention, LM Innovation technology will have no influence if you have DAL because the water is heated there through an electrical resistance which has the immediate effect of destructuring the water.

Some breeders have amortized the technology on a lot with the reduction of veterinary products and the gain in GMQ.

Beef calf breeding

Calves start better, they are less sick with a decrease in anti-inflammatories and antibiotics.

Beef calf breeding


Calves start better, they are less sick with a decrease in anti-inflammatories and antibiotics.

Effects of structured water on a calf farm


We are a GAEC of veal calves breeding in Vendée. After a geobiology on the exploitation and installation of the technology in May 2016, we noted an improvement on many points.

In summary our calves start faster and are in better shape. At the same time, we are using fewer antibiotics. On the other hand, the equipment is easier to maintain. It is less crowded and we have reduced the time spent on its maintenance.

Calves in better shape: effects of structured water

  • There is no more entero-gastritis at startup
  • a short and shiny coat (good parameter compared to a long coat)
  • Fewer lung problems (fewer antibiotic injections)
  • Less veal with temperature
  • Less anti-inflammatory
  • Batch review with less antibiotic
  • Less sensitivity to climatic conditions (especially pulmonary)
  • More weight at the same age (heavier calf at the exit)

Better grading of calves, especially in winter

  • The GTE shows a drop in consumption index (the CI goes from 1.80 to 1.75)
  • Milk powder mixes better

Save cleaning time

  • The washing of the rooms is faster: less than 4 hours instead of 5:15 before the installation of the technology
  • The cleaning company noticed that the cardboard seals deteriorate faster

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